ज्ञान एक ऐसा आभूषण है जो पहनता है दूर तलक जगमगाता है ।। - आनन्द कुमार
An Organ Of Limited Growth Develope Laterally From Superficial Tissues Of Stem/ Shoots. Bearing Of Leaves : Couline Leaves - The Leaves Are Found Only At The Apex (Tip) Of The Main Stem. e.g.- Palm 🌴 And Cycas . Couline And Ramal - The Leaves Are Found On The Main Axis (Stem) As Well As It's Lateral Branches. e.g. - Mango 🥭 And Solanum . Radical Leaves - The Leaves Which Are Found Above The Ground And Developes From Undergrounds Stem. e.g.- Onion 🧅 - Anand Kumar Humbles.in